Benefits of Pilates

Have you ever looked at a gym timetable and thought about Pilates but didn’t think it was for you?

Pilates has so many benefits for the body and mind. I am going to tell you 5 of my favourite things I love about Pilates and the way it has changed my life. I hope that you have found some similarities in your own practice.

1) Pilates targets ALL levels of fitness, from complete beginners to advanced. This is done through gradual progression through the various levels of an exercise and with use of props.

2) Props such as the Pilates ring (one of my favourites), foam roller, Pilates ball etc are all utilised in mat based classes to challenge your control and strength. This keeps the classes versatile and challenging no matter your level of experience

3) Improved postural awareness. We teach you about how to find your centre and how to control your centre with your movements and your breathing. This awareness we hope, will transfer into your day to day life

4) Improved core stability. Your core in Pilates involves all aspects of your body and how they work together. It focuses on deep abdominals, trunk, pelvis and shoulder girdle. All together building a stronger foundation.

5) Finally and most importantly it’s FUN 🙂 I try to make my classes as enjoyable as I can, it helps to keep focus and engagement within in the class and with your instructor

Sonya x

2 responses to “Benefits of Pilates”

  1. I love Pilates and I don’t know how many years I have been doing it now. I started off learning in classes for I think 3 years before I had to stop due to other commitments. But I always try to do them at home, even if it is just 10 mins a day as my instructor suggested one time. I got to say though,
    I don’t do it as much as I would like, but when I do, I find gentle exercises before bed is best time to get myself doing some, which some are gentle stretches which are important to me, hence I started Pilates in the first place. But I would like to get motivated and do other movements in the day, that I enjoy.
    Pilates has been very beneficial for me and anyone can do it. 🙂


    1. Thank you for your comment Liz 🙂 its great that you have found a passion in Pilates!

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